Seabury Spotlight | Grandon Purnell, Age-In-Place® Volunteer Coordinator
Seabury Resources for Aging® is a community of caring employees, dedicated volunteers, and generous supporters. Seabury Spotlight introduces the individuals that work toward independence and dignity for older adults, helping Seabury meet its mission every day.

Grandon Purnell is the Volunteer Coordinator of Seabury's Age-In-Place® program. Age-In-Place® coordinates volunteers to provide free yard work and house cleaning to older adults in Wards 4, 5, and 6. Grandon has been with the program for two years, starting as a Project Lead. He previously engaged with Seabury as a volunteer, organizing members of his congregation to conduct Age-In-Place® projects.
Grandon works with Seabury Age-In-Place® because he enjoys helping people. "To see the joy and hear the gratefulness the client expresses after we help lifts my spirit.", he remarks. He also does this work in memory of his grandparents. He says, "I think often of how I would want them treated if they were still here and needed help. Honoring them with my work drives me." Grandon's favorite part of his job is "meeting clients and volunteers from different walks of life... hearing their stories and seeing them connect with each other".
Grandon sees Seabury as "a united front to help one of the most forgotten populations of our society, older adults, as they continue to age gracefully." Supporters and volunteers like you make Grandon's work possible. Learn more about volunteering with Age-In-Place® here or make a gift to Seabury today.