Martin Luther King Jr. Day | A Day of Service
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is known for his life of service. The holiday in his honor has become a call to action to give back to our own communities and make a difference where we see inequity.

Seabury's mission is to make the Washington, D.C. region a better place for all to age with dignity every day, but we do not do this alone. Hundreds of volunteers fuel our mission every year. We are so proud to work with such dedicated and caring individuals. Buddy Moore is a Seabury resident, and one of the many people behind our mission. Buddy attended the March on Washington in 1963 as a young man and co-organized an event commemorating the march 25 years later. He remains committed to engaging with his community and connecting people to history. Buddy is a member of the Friendship Terrace Resident Association, an appointee to the Multimodal Accessibility Advisory Council, a researcher for HelpAge USA, an Outreach Coordinator for the Bernice Fonteneau Senior Wellness Center, and has even co-authored a collection of memoirs from older D.C. residents in Ward 1. Read more about Buddy here.

On this day of service, we would like to thank all those who have joined us, in person or virtually, to support the programs and services on which individuals and families rely as they age. There are so many ways to volunteer with Seabury. From yard work service projects to virtual classes, you can use your time and talent to impact the lives of our older neighbors If you would like to get involved, please contact and tell us how you want to give back.