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Face masks for the front lines!

Nancy Nye, Seabury Life Enrichment Specialist

Nancy and her husband Mubarak are skilled at making gifts for their friends and family. Mubarak keeps the sewing machine humming while Nancy maintains precisely cut, pressed and pinned materials. Several Christmases ago, Nancy and Mubarak delighted their family members with individually sewn aprons, each made from a fabric design to reflect the recipient’s personality.

A Life Enrichment Specialist and member of the Seabury Care Management team, Nancy is keenly aware of the PPE supply shortages confronting local front line healthcare workers. Seeing the critical need for face masks, Nancy and her husband applied their sewing talents to address the problem.

Using the leftover fabric from their apron project and finding a mask pattern the production line was underway. The plan is to donate the masks to local Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) who provide direct personal care to older adults.

Nancy, a lifelong educator, traveler and advocate, has been engaged with numerous humanitarian efforts including: The Friends Committee on National Legislation, The Youth Advocate Program International, Inc. and the American Near East Refugee Aid organization. She lived in Jerusalem and was the director of a school for girls located on the West Bank.

In her capacity as a Life Enrichment Specialist Nancy brings her world of experiences to share with her clients. Nancy, like all of us, is unable to visit currently with her clients in person, but maintains regular telephone contact.

“It is so important for our older adult clients to know there are folks who care and are thinking about them during these very unsettling times. I am pleased that our phone contacts are going well and my clients are so appreciative,” Nancy remarked.

Nancy and her colleagues on the Seabury Care Management and Life Enrichment teams are working tirelessly to support older adults and their family members through these highly complex circumstances.

For more information: Call: 202-364-0020

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