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2020 Census: Make Sure You Count!

Every ten years, the United States Census Bureau takes a count of all the people living in the country and its five territories at a given point in time. The 2020 Census is underway and it’s important that everyone participates. The goal is to provide an accurate count of individuals in the country as of April 1, 2020. This is a huge task, but you can help make it happen by taking 10 minutes to fill out the questionnaire. Here are a few important things to know about the 2020 Census.

There are multiple ways to complete the 2020 Census.

The Census is now available online at Between March 12 and March 20, you will be mailed an invitation to complete the Census online with your 12 digit Census ID. If you do not complete the online form by April 1, you will be mailed a paper version. Physical mailings will say “U.S. Census Bureau” or “U.S. Department of Commerce” in the return address. There will be an enclosed envelope in which to return your completed census form, addressed to Jeffersonville, IN, or Phoenix, AZ. You also have the option to complete the questionnaire over the phone by calling 844-330-2020. However you choose to participate, it is important that you are counted!

The Census impacts funding and services.

Census results demonstrate the need for programs and services all over the country. The data is used by lawmakers, business owners, nonprofit organizations, and others to provide services that are right for you. Each year, billions of dollars go to hospitals, schools, roads, and other resources based on census data. Programs like Medicaid, Section 8 Housing, Older American Adult Title grants, Supportive Housing for the Elderly, Low Income Energy Assistance and many others all rely on an accurate census.

Your data is protected.

The Census Bureau will never ask for your full social security number, bank account number, or passwords. The demographic information that you do provide is purely used to produce anonymous statistics. inform government spending on programs for specific populations. By law, the Census Bureau cannot share any identifiable information you provide, even with law enforcement agencies, and the data cannot be used against you in court. The Census Bureau prioritizes IT security and is proactive in defending against cyberthreats.

The 2020 Census does NOT ask about citizenship status.

All people living in or staying in the U.S. as of April 1, 2020 should complete the Census, regardless of their citizenship status. Complete the 2020 Census today to say you count.

This post is based on information found at

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