A Year In Review: Fiscal Year 2015

Fiscal year 2015 was a great year for Seabury Resources for Aging and the older adults we serve. This month, Seabury released its FY2015 Annual Report, highlighting the many achievements during the previous year:
Seabury staff provided 27,691 case management and counseling hours to 1,278 clients
Seabury Age-In-Place® provided 666 yard work and house cleaning services
306,000 meals were provided at nutition sites and delivered to homes
4,100 Seabury volunteers provided 30,300 service hours
More than 276,000 trips were provided by Seabury Connector
Seabury welcomed Deborah Royster as our new Chief Executive Officer
Seabury Connector established the Connector Card program
The Seabury Resources for Aging Legacy Fund and the Joe Resch Fellowship were established to provide awards to graduate students specializing in the field of aging