Seabury Savvy Caregiver Program Helps Fight Caregiver Burnout
We talk about caregiver burnout, but do not seem to take any action? Seabury Resources for Aging Ward 5 Savvy Caregiver Program (SCP)...
Jun 21, 2019

Connector Changes
Beginning October 1, please call 202-420-7533 to schedule your non-emergency essential medical transportation trips. Yellow Cab...
Sep 28, 2018

Finding a New Normal
It started slowly almost 8 years ago with a slight darkening of the sight in her left eye and the annoying floaters. Floaters look like...
Sep 17, 2018

Seabury Resources for Aging Named ‘One of the Best’ Nonprofits by the Catalogue for Philanthropy
WASHINGTON, D.C.—6.6.2018—After a careful vetting process, the Catalogue for Philanthropy: Greater Washington has selected Seabury...
Jun 11, 2018

Ms. L Finds Social Connection with Seabury
Ms. L lost her vision years ago in a terrible accident. Now an older adult with vision impairment, she attends Seabury’s Center for the...
Feb 5, 2018

High-touch connection key to curing social isolation
It seems like a paradox: in the age of social media, smartphones, and expanding internet access, we’re lonelier than ever before. Author...
Feb 14, 2017

Financial Exploitation: 8 Warning Signs
The National Center on Elder Abuse estimates that 1 in 10 Americans aged 60 and older has experienced some form of abuse in the past...
Aug 25, 2016

William – Faces of Seabury
If William could pick one thing to be proud of in his life it would be his commitment to hard work. Born and raised in Washington, DC, he...
Jul 11, 2016

A Year In Review: Fiscal Year 2015
Fiscal year 2015 was a great year for Seabury Resources for Aging and the older adults we serve. This month, Seabury released its FY2015...
Jul 7, 2016

Ifé – Faces of Seabury
Ifé is a participant at one of Seabury’s Ward 5 ADRC nutrition sites and a district resident for the last 40 years. Originally from the...
Jun 30, 2016